Blitz (82/144)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:22 May 2001 at 02:34:18
Subject:Re: BlitzII - Question of logic?

On 21 May 2001, at 2:38, amorel wrote:

> On 19-May-01, Nick Clover wrote:
> C=The simplest way is to use a lookup table eg.
> C=;create table
> C=dim var.l(8)
> C=for i=0 to 8
> C= read var(i)
> C=next
> C=data.l 1,2,4,6,111,800,5678,222222
An alternative approach is to use InStr$

Build a string containing the numbers (with leading zeroes and
delimited by "|")

; The above all on one line :-)

Then do

Format "000000"
if InStr$(Number$, Str$(YourNumber))


Alternatively, what's wrong with the obvious

Select YourNumber

end select



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